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South of Scotland Destination Alliance - Thistle Awards 2023


Photo Credit: Phil Wilkinson - SSDA Awards 2023

We were delighted to be approached by the South of Scotland Destination Alliance (SSDA) recently, to be asked to make their 2023 Scottish Thistle Awards. The colours in the award represent each of the partners; light blue for South of Scotland Enterprise, navy and yellow for the South of Scotland and purple for Visit Scotland.

Photo Credit: Phil Wilkinson - SSDA Awards 2023

It was the first year of the Scottish Thistle Awards, which were held in Dumfries Cairndale Hotel & Leisure Club this month. We congratulate all the awards recipients!

Each of the awards were made and crafted by hand, with the flattened front allowing for the engraving of the logo, award name and winner. The fantastic photos above were taken by Phil Wilkinson, local Scottish Borders photographer.

Visit Phil Wilkinson, photographer website here:

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